Last year, we delved into the Kickstarter campaign for an adventure game with a truly unconventional appearance, titled The Artful Escape of Francis Vendetti. Despite not reaching its crowdfunding target, Annapurna Interactive (known for What Remains of Edith Finch and Gorogoa) didn’t hesitate to acquire it for an exclusive launch on the Xbox One console.
Reintroduced at Microsoft’s E3 press briefing under the shorter title The Artful Escape, the game chronicles the adventures of novice musician Francis Vendetti as he shapes his stage identity in the wake of his legendary musician uncle’s passing.
The developer, Beethoven & Dinosaur, characterizes The Artful Escape as “a video game encompassing great expectations, renowned folk singers, lingering shadows, space Gods, hallucinogens, individuality, reptile shops, and wild imaginations.” They further add, “It’s a game that combines action, adventure, exploration, and is driven by a narrative, featuring musical-laser-light-battles.”