Netflix has unveiled the highly anticipated first trailer for its captivating animated adaptation of Capcom’s action-RPG, Dragon’s Dogma. This exciting reveal comes prior to the series making its grand entrance on September 17th.
As per Netflix’s official series listing, the Dragon’s Dogma TV adaptation chronicles the thrilling adventures of a man, either named Ethan, who has been freshly resurrected as an Arisen. His mission? To embark on a daring quest to hunt down the dragon that cruelly stole his heart.
Just as in Capcom’s original source material, Ethan’s journey is invigorated by the arrival of a pawn (formerly referred to as Hannah), who materializes by his side to safeguard his life. Netflix ominously teases, “But the perils lurking in wait for Ethan are beyond their wildest imaginations. For when you engage in a battle with a monster… you might just find yourself transforming into one as well.”
Netflix’s Dragon’s Dogma adaptation is being masterfully crafted by the Japanese studio Sublimation. This means that, in contrast to the numerous other animated series that Netflix has liberally labeled with the term ‘anime’ in its marketing materials, this one truly is an anime. Shin’ya Sugai takes on the directorial responsibilities, Kurasumi Sunayama pens the script, and Iku Nishimura handles the character design.
The first season of Dragon’s Dogma will consist of a total of seven episodes. The English language dub features Greg Chun, Erica Mendez, and Cristina Vee lending their voices to bring the characters to life.